As each student grows and learns, the support needed at Syracuse University will change over time and be unique to their academic and personal goals. Fostering personalized support and mentoring, Orange Success is a powerful contributor to the student experience, student success and staying on track for degree completion. Placing each student in control, the Orange Success platform makes it easy to connect with advisors and faculty about a particular course, an advising question, a general concern and more. Start connecting on Orange Success today!
Orange Success Highlights
Through a web-based platform Orange Success strengthens student success by improving cross-campus communications among schools, colleges, staff and students.
- Early alerts through “Flags” proactively communicate potential academic hurdles, while “Kudos” are shared compliments and encouragement surrounding academic success.
- Efficiently coordinated support and communication between students, faculty, advisors and cross campus teams support students staying on track.
- From the start of a student’s academic career to graduate, Orange Success fosters personalized support and mentorship.
Using Orange Success
For questions or additional information, email or call 315.443.0221.
Offering a cross-campus network of support, students, faculty, teaching assistants (TAs) and academic advisors communicate important information surrounding student success within Orange Success. Only students have access to their personalized dashboards. All academic advisors can see all flags and information in Orange Success. Using MySlice Using Blackboard When a Flag is raised, students and their advisors will receive an email (i.e. highlighting an academic concern. At times, a Flag may also result in cross campus offices, such as the Office of Financial Aid, to receive a notification and communications may then also include phone calls. Orange Success Flags include the following. When a Kudo is raised, students and their advisors will receive an email (i.e. highlighting an academic success. Orange Success should not be used to report emergencies, academic integrity issues, student conduct and/or health and wellness issues. Active students attending classes should not get an error message. Data in this “cloud-based” system is stored on servers controlled and maintained by Education Advisory Board (EAB). Outside of the University, two organizations have access, the vendor and their hosting provider. Vendor account managers and escalation engineers have access to data through secure communication channels. No data will be stored outside of the secure hosting facility. Unless legally required, no personally identifying information will ever be disclosed to third parties. All database and application servers are hosted in audited facilities with state-of-the-art infrastructure, constant monitoring and established operational policies. All communications to these servers use secure protocols. The University controls authentication and the decisions concerning what data is stored on the vendor platform. Vendor personnel and University personnel are trained on data security procedures. Orange Success is protected under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA). For more information and to learn how to obtain access to educational records visit the Office of the Registrar FERPA Webpage, the Course Catalog Annual Notification of Rights Under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, and the University Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) Policy. FERPA allows the University to designate campus officials to see portions of a student’s education records. The following records are excluded from the definition of education records. These records should not be entered into or stored in the enterprise advising system. It is important for anyone recording “private” notes regarding an interaction with a student to understand that these notes do not fall into the category of “sole possession” records. They are part of the student’s education record and subject to FERPA. Since FERPA gives the student the right to review any or all of their education records, these notes could be included in that review. Therefore, it is important that notes or comments be factual and objective and that University employees who are recording notes or comments avoid making value judgments or using inappropriate language. If a student has paid financial aid for a course not attended, the University is responsible to return the aid back to the federal government and within 30 days of the start of the semester. Reporting occurs during the Early Semester Progress Survey (ESPR) and Mid-Semester Progress survey (MSPR) opening and closing periods respectively. Please reference the Academic Calendar for dates. A student who has never attended class is flagged in Orange Success as “Never Attended.” A student who attends one or more class(es) and then stops is flagged as “Stopped Attending.” Students will receive an email (i.e. from Advising (Orange Success) and/or the Office of Financial Aid. If this notification is received in error, students are asked to contact their instructor and advisor as soon as possible to remove the flag. Students flagged for non-attendance, will need to drop the class by the financial drop deadline, as they will be responsible for paying for the class and students will receive a “NA” (Did Not Attend) grade on their transcript. If a student has received financial aid for the term, they risk losing part or all of the financial aid. If flagged for stopped attending for all classes, students may risk receiving and F grade for the class and/or losing part of financial aid received for the term that they were flagged. Financial drop deadline dates are included in the Academic Calendar. Send an email to Orange Success will not work with older browsers. Please install an updated version of Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firefox or Safari to fix this issue. For questions or to request accommodations, please contact Technology Accessibility by calling 315.443.0221 or by emailing Issues will immediately be reported to our vendor for resolution. Using a NetID and password, Advisors are invited to explore the Orange Success FAQs for Advisors Answers Webpage. Using a NetID and password, Faculty are invited to explore the Orange Success FAQs for Faculty Users Answers Webpage. Who can access Orange Success?
How do I find my advisor and/or schedule an appointment with my advisor?
How do I ask for help and/or ask a question in Orange Success?
How do I access my course information in Orange Success?
How do I update my Orange Success profile information?
How do I find items that need attention in Orange Success?
How do I access personalized support through My Success Network in Orange Success?
How do I access the Services Catalog in Orange Success?
What are Flags in Orange Success and how will I know that I received one?
What are Kudos in Orange Success and how will I know that I received one?
What should not be reported in Orange Success?
What if I click the Orange Success link and get an error message?
How secure is the data and who has access to it?
What is the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and how do students get access to their records in Orange Success?
Why and how does Syracuse University flag students for non-attendance or has stopped attending class(es)?
What happens if I get flagged for non-attendance or as stopped attending class(es)?
What if I don’t get a response from my instructor and or my advisor?
What if I log in and get a blank screen?
What is the preferred browser/screen reader combination for optimal results?
Requesting Accommodations
Advisor Frequently Asked Questions
Faculty Frequently Asked Questions